Moving Online
Hello I’m currently running a small offline league and am wondering about the feasibility of using APBA Go to run games. I understand you need to purchase a subscription to get custom teams. Our league uses the player deck from the 50th anniversary edition in 2001, and I’m wondering if it’s possible to replicate those teams in APBA Go. Thanks!
@Jale17 Hi!
If the 50th anniversary edition was done the same way the 70th anniversary edition was done, then the 2001 season on APBA GO should be the same data. I don’t know if that’s the case, however, and I will make an inquiry with the Alpharetta team to find out.
You do not need a subscription to have access to Custom Teams, but yes, a subscription would give you access to Custom Teams… You can also gain access to Custom Teams via the League tools Unlock, available in the store.
Jeremy -
Thank you for the response! I went ahead and got a subscription. I have a couple quick follow up questions.
Are other players able to manage games with custom teams that I created?
I’ve read that starting pitcher fatigue is incorporated. I’m wondering if you can see in the game interface when that takes effect.
Thanks again.