Any new Features to be released for 2022 calendar year?
@RobNPR Hi!
The team is currently in the final stages of V2.4.0, which we hope to release next week.
There is some fun stuff in it, including some new features, but the most important thing the Team took from working on it is that there are some pitfalls in the original game server code that require fixing.
So, the first few months of 2022 will be focused on addressing those code level problems and will not yield anything new for the product that the community would notice (except maybe some performance improvements, i.e. games should execute faster).
After that, however, we will be in a much better position to implement more that support our long term goals of implementing the master game rules as game configuration options and implementing league play.
One step at a time.
Jeremy -
@APBA-GO-Jeremy Is it possible to extend the time on an open challenge. 5 minutes goes very fast. I rarely see them posted but I really like the feature. Maybe 20 minutes.
@APBA-GO-Jeremy Thank you for this response. Much appreciated.