Broadcast - March 29th, 2018
APBA has began to sponsor a weekly broadcast offering insights into the game of APBA and players within the APBA community. The host is John Asalon who offers a extremely professional broadcast. Please join John Asalon and his guests every Thursday night at 8:00 pm (Eastern) for THIS WEEK IN APBA radio show.
John’s guests this week are: Scott Lehotsky, creator of the “Of Dice and Men” documentary about APBA .Listen to the Thursday March 22nd show here.
Here is the tentative TWIA schedule for March:
April 5th - Woody Studenmund, long time APBA player owner of Dick Seitz’s 1950 APBA card set among other items in an extensive APBA collection.
April 12th - Fritz Light.
Check the archives below the large screen on the first page of the above link for earlier broadcasts.
We are exploring podcast options for TWIA.THIS WEEK IN APBA RADIO SHOW - March 22nd Summary
APBA has began to sponsor a weekly broadcast offering insights into the game of APBA and players within the APBA community. The host is John Asalon who offers a extremely professional broadcast. Please join John Asalon and his guests every Thursday night at 8:00 pm (Eastern) for THIS WEEK IN APBA radio show. This past weeks guests were Steve Skoff and Jeremy Buehler. Steve spoke on the APBA Hockey Tournament while Jeremy updated us on APBA Go.
Steve Skoff, an APBA Hall of Famer, 2-time National Convention Champion, and Director of the APBA Hockey Tournament, joined John to update us on this year’s APBA Hockey Tournament. Since the age of seven Steve has laced up his skates to play hockey but as years have pasted his focus is now coaching youth hockey and playing APBA Hockey. Steve will again serve as this year’s APBA Hockey Tournament Director. This is the third year of the tournament which this year will expand to hopefully 16 teams. As of press time 13 teams have registered with the deadline of Monday March 26th at 8:00 am. To register contact the game company at leaving your name and two team selections. The past two championship teams, the 1983-1984 Edmonton Oilers and the 1976-1977 Montreal Canadians are ineligible. The finals will be played at the National Convention in Alpharetta, Georgia on June 21st through 24th. I want to thank Steve for his commitment to APBA and the community and will see he and his wife Jennifer (who plays APBA Bowling) in Alpharetta. Great job as always Steve!
Listen to Steve’s interview here.
John’s second guest was Jeremy Buehler. Jeremy updated us on APBA Go. Jeremy stated that they received a couple hundred responses to the December survey. The survey identified a need for a more efficient customer support and custom line-ups. A custom line-up feature has been added to the game (2 per customer per team). The team have also improved the efficiency of customer support as this is information lifeline to communicate issues, concerns, and desires. Jeremy also stated that the APBA GO forum application launched on Tuesday March 20th. This application is looking to expand and improve communications in the APBA community. Jeremy also noted improvements have been made in the crediting of saves, pitcher grade changes, internet explorer versus Edge, and server optimization enhancements. Jeremy closed by stressing that they cannot improve the game unless users REPORT, REPORT, REPORT. Communication and patience is key to improving and expanding features in the application. I want to thank Jeremy for providing us an update on APBA Go and the improvements being made. Please remember to try APBA GO as it is free with a couple of teams to wet your APBAtite. Great job on the APBA Go update Jeremy!
Listen to Jeremy’s interview here.