Collection question
I have a Reds team of players from 1980 to 2019 and I am playing a season. If I have one player, let’s say Rob Murphy from 1987 on my roster and I want to remove him and replace him with Rob Murphy from 1986, when I look at the stats after using the 1986 Murphy, am I going to see two Rob Murphy’s in my listing for pitchers? Or just one? Thanks in advance for any help.
@dirtyref Hi!
The player would show as two on the pitcher tab and one on Career stats (aggregated).
Career stats is supposed to let you click on the pitchers name, and a pop up would show a breakdown by year, but it does not appear to be working. I’ve logged it as a bug. Career stats for batters work as expected.
Jeremy -
@apba-go-jeremy Thanks! I figured it would be that way. I can adapt LOL