Baserunners and the various options: is there a glitch?
When I have a fast runner on base, I will often go the base running options. It seems there are only 2 available. One is called the “safe mode” and the other is the “normal mode”. I have no idea what the normal mode means, but when I want to be more aggressive with a fast runner, I chose this option.
But then, I get a little white banner that comes up on third base line and say R1 in safe mode. But why does this announce runner in safe mode when I chose the normal mode? Does this make sense? Is there a glitch here?
When you want base runners to proceed normally, don’t do anything. Just ignore the tab.
The ‘play it safe’ mode is great for slow (S) runners, when you don’t want to risk having them take an extra base (ie. a runner on first trying for third on a single… or home on a double).
The ‘play it safe’ mode is great when you have a (S) runner on third and you don’t want him to run into a double play on a fly ball.
The ‘play it safe’ mode is a good option when you really can’t risk having runners thrown out unnecessarily (ie. when trailing by two runs in the ninth inning, with only one runner on).
The ‘play it safe’ mode also means that runner won’t get caught stealing. But it also means he won’t steal a base.
Personally, I rarely ‘play it safe’ with fast (F) or average-speed runners.