Some Wins not accumulating any "rating" points....What causes this?
I noticed that a couple of my head to head wins did not accumulate any rating points at all. What causes this to happen?
@falcon4fever Hi.
You cannot earn manager rating points for Solitaire games.
The system is designed to give a representation of experience from playing other players or entities you do not entirely control (micro manager), to denote knowledge of the system and a loose evaluation of management skill.
Jeremy -
These were head to head against other folks
Could it be that the opponent had chosen “manual dice entry” when setting up the game?
@falcon4fever the manual dice game does not count towards your manager ponits
Ah…I thought so…and I wasn’t even using “manual dice”…I guess my opponent was. The manual dice option leaves a lot of trust out there in your fellow gamers, doesn’t it? :)
@falcon4fever Hi.
You should see it as one of the options listed when you receive a challenge from another player, listed in the challenge window pop-up.
We did this so if you have concerns, you can back out of the challenge.
Jeremy -
Yes, those options “snuck” by me. Thanks for clearing it up as I thought that was the issue.