Now available: 1978 R
1978 R is already available to subscribers and listed in the store here:
What does R mean and what does it mean for teams when it says GTOP and Bats?
@stevenwc Hi!
BATS = Baseball-All Time Stars - The best teams of all time, with normalized stats. It’s best to play BATS team vs. Bats team for realism.
GTOP = Great Teams of the Past - Collections of great teams without normalized stats. GTOP seasons are a throwback to the time before subscriptions, and GO, where cards and dice players would want a selection of great teams spanning years rather than a specific year’s worth of teams.
Year R = These are season files reworked? reintroduced? (honestly, I’m not sure what the R stands for) where teams have been re-evaluated(?) to include more players from the historic rosters. Think of R teams as being more complete than their predecessors.
I’m sure the guys will correct me if I have anything incorrect here.
@apba-go-jeremy any chance we can get the “R” sets marked in some way so that they can be excluded (or included) when building a custom team…RN for example 1978 Tom Seaver is and AXZ or a BX and you cant tell which is from the “R” set.
Thanks dude