Release 2.0.0
@bstark Great feedback!
The 30 player limit is arbitrary and can be easily changed. Was trying to balance forcing some strategy in pvp matchups (25 players is, essentially, an ‘active roster’) vs. adding some wiggle room for managers to bring more players in if they wanted to. If 30 needs to increase to 45, we can do that painlessly.
We pulled the ‘add all from search results’ feature due to a bug and lack of time. Adding it back will require some effort but shouldn’t be too difficult.
Similar to tournaments, our League functionality would have shared Collections associated. Making non-tournament and non-league Collections shareable keeps coming up, so… not sure the form it will take but consider shareable Collections on the list.
Totally didn’t think of this, so thank you. Added to the list. I feel a Custom Teams 2.0 is definitely going to be a thing.
Was already on the list as part of the Custom Lineups functionality. You’ll see it in 2019.
As for your question, I’m not sure. I think it will track the player on Team “A” until they are no longer on Team “A”. And then start tracking them on Team “B”. Team stats should be an aggregate of that activity, and include the player for their playtime on each team. I would have to research preferred behavior if the current behavior is not correct.
Thanks for taking the time to respond!
@apba-go-jeremy Awesome!
The stats for a traded player (or same player on two different teams) seems to work fine. So no issues there.
This is super…all i can ask for now is a create a player.
@apba-go-jeremy Awesome. Cannot wait to use but must get to work. Many thanks for you hard work on this. Greatly appreciated.
@apba-go-jeremy Sounds great! My only question is the minimum of 25 players for it to be a “complete” team. There are many tournaments where teams use less than 25 man rosters or if you are using teams from 1900-1930 or so there are many teams that did not have 25 on the roster at a time. It’s not a big deal but if there was an easy way to be able to mark a team as complete or ready to play with less than 25 players, that might come in handy.
@moore315-comcast-net This is a good point. Is there a way we could manually set the limit?
@moore315-comcast-net We’ll have to try how low we can go before the default lineup functionality breaks. You make a good point though and I’ll add it to the list.
@apba-go-jeremy, that’s great news. I just want to make sure i understand. So if i play in a 12 custom teams league, I will be able to reproduce my league by creating all 12 teams and play games with those teams?
@apba-go-jeremy I’d put a strong request in for less than 25 players per team, like 11. For example, I still can’t play 1883 which has never been fixed because the roster sizes are too small. Sigh.