APBA GO Convention Updates
@APBA-GO-Jeremy thanks for the update and for all that you do for the game.
@APBA-GO-Jeremy Sounds outstanding… There are several of us IT guys in the APBA community if you want to reach out and ask for beta testers and the like.
Thanks Jeremy. Just curious what is the rough rough time frame on the update?
@mariner-0 Excellent question.
We’re hoping to have a version out in the next week or so but it’s subject to performance testing/scale testing.
We have a code freeze in effect (not adding more features/functionality to the release) but there have been bugs associated with performance optimization that are holding us back from deploying.
We do know it will be a two or three day release, meaning we’ll do a deployment with most of the backend pieces in place one day, and a day or more after deploy a release with access to the new features after necessary data has generated in the production environment.
Mostly we’re trying not to blow anything up, and the deployment date isn’t set in stone so much as it’s tied to having a proven stable product.
Jeremy -
@chaneyhey Hi,
The field idea passed inspection and it’s been added to the list. No ETA on when it will be done.
The rest of the changes - Replays, etc. is still in testing.
There are performance hurdles we need to overcome before we can release it.
Lots of cyclical testing and improvements but every move forward seems to be taking us to a new problem :)
I’ll make a post when we’re ready to deploy.