2022 Season File this weekend?
@RobNPR I am not comfortable saying either way because I just don’t know. The Alpharetta folks have to work their magic.
In a hypothetical scenario where I get the file on the weekend, I would upload it ASAP and announce it.
We shall see…
@APBA-GO-Jeremy Fingers Crossed - Whenever the final version drops, we (the APBAGO community) will be like kids at Christmas… jumping thru the cards asking the inevitable age old questions - Why did he not get another 7 but got 3 8s instead? Why is this pitcher a C iso a B? What no Z? etc.
Thanks for everything you do.
@RobNPR said in 2022 Season File this weekend?:
@iddscoper Welcome to my world. May have to push our ‘drop player dates’ and our ‘draft dates’ back. Out of our control.
The problem is that I’m a control freak so all this “out of our control” stuff makes me crazy. Just one more thing I can’t control… :)
@APBA-GO-Jeremy we all appreciate all of your efforts!!
@RobNPR said in 2022 Season File this weekend?:
@iddscoper As a professional PM in IT space…I totally get it…
I am a former PM and DBA, now retired with nothing to do but endlessly refresh websites :)
@Phillyj1m said in 2022 Season File this weekend?:
Do you have an update on when the updated file will drop? Trying to plan my weekend!!
Question for the group - I know the 2022 season in there now is the projection numbers. When the real 2022 comes out will we have to buy it again? It will the projected stats become the real stats? Tbo
you will not have to buy it again - the projected stats will be replaced by the real ones.
I received an update from Alpharetta; no 2022 data until this weekend at the earliest.
Jeremy -
@APBA-GO-Jeremy Just Confirming - so nothing prior to 12/9-12/11 timeframe?
thanks for the update Jeremy, really appreciate you keeping us up to speed!Jim
Hi Jeremy, any updates? Crystal Ball Readings? -
@Phillyj1m Nada, sorry.
@Phillyj1m I am expecting an announcement within the next 4 days
@brianoc I think were past Thanksgiving weekend and early December . Snowstorm here Saturday would be a great day to look at the cards any hope
By now, everyone should EXPECT further delays. That way, if we get it before Christmas weekend (2 weeks), we’ll all be happy, and have 2 weeks to examine the data before the cards are ordered.